The Family

The Family

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Busy with distractions

You ever sit down to read your bible and the phone rings, or a kid screams, or your husband needs you to help him find his keys? Lately, I've felt like this has been my life for awhile! I wake up super early, hide in a closet under a pile of clothes to pray and bam! "mommy! mommy! oh, there you are! good morning!" and like that life calls me from the closet. I say this all with a bit of humor, but seriously I see the distractions and feel powerless. I think, how did my mom get it done? I know that she got it done because I have awaken with many a oil cross on my forehead! She was the queen of anointing our home when I was growing up! I've tried to keep up that pattern and still my life seems overrun with distractions.

I can't just blame it on the random interruptions either though. There's also my phone, various social media outlets, random drives here and there, and numerous other things that take me away from the most important thing! I have deactivated almost all of my accounts at one time or another, purposely left my phone off or away from my person, etc. and still.....

Last night, while thinking about the passion that you have as a new Christian I thought about how committed you are to Jesus in the beginning! You want to get to know him and you want him to get to know you! You talk to him throughout the day and listen for him. For me as time has gone on I can see that I've replaced that time with him with stuff. As I think on it more, It reminds me of other relationships whether friendships or marriages, have I done the same thing? I don't think so, so why do that with God? I think because i know that he loves me and I know that his grace and mercy is abundant I have taken our relationship forgranted, but today! here and now I ask for that passion to reignite! More than ever as Christians we need to be on fire in a world that is so purposely trying to dim our light! So, I pray that we all find the time, the strength, the courage to rest in God's presence! I have been a mom and student before and there were times when i would start an assignment only to have to stop to finish dinner, kiss a boo-boo, read a book, etc. but the assignment still got done! If i had to stay up all night to finish it, i did. If i had to go to the library to get it done, i did. So as i think about this, I realize that despite the distractions it still has to get done. This post has been more for me than anyone else; however, I hope that in it you will find encouragement and if you're like me and distractions or life has gotten in the way of your time with God may you find the strength to take a stand against them today!