The Family

The Family

Sunday, June 14, 2015

One month of lessons and blessings!

Sleeping while mommy's trying to document month one

The first month with little baby is almost over and just when I think that I know it all, I learn something new!

Even before my sweet little baby girl got here, I was more than positive that I had life as a new mom (again) in the bag! I mean let's look at the facts: I already have four children, none of the older kids are under five (BIGGIE since I had four under five at one time), everyone is self sufficient, and again I ALREADY HAVE FOUR KIDS! but here's the truth...

Although i'm older and wiser (not quite confident in that) and I've been here and done this, it's still new! Who knew? I have experienced some new things that I didn't with the other four like "breast-milk jaundice!" What?!! Totally caught me off guard!! I've been ready to have little baby put under that light thingy every week since we got home just to be told that it's non-threatening and will get better. Or over active letdown and reflux...huh? last time we spent a month worrying about whether I was making enough milk and now i'm making too much! It has been interesting to say the least and you know how i'm supposed to be embracing change and going with the flow? Well, I've had my moments of screaming, why can't things just be like before?

So here's the lesson! As I am watching little baby like a hawk to make sure that she isn't choking on her spit-up because of reflux, she smiles or coos! and ya know what? all is right with the world again! I am reminded that even though seasons change and one day a tree may be full of beautiful leaves and the next day completely bare, it will eventually change again! So as I complain about these new worries or compare the past to the present, I get a glimpse of the day today, these worries, joys and new experiences will just be a memory so I better enjoy them now while they are happening!

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