The Family

The Family

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The peace that goes beyond!

Me & the birthday cake! 😜
It's my birthday and it's been a really good one! My mom watched the kids while my hubby & I went to brunch & a movie...ok, so we had the baby with us but it was still a really good day!
Life has been pretty interesting in the last few months....hubby started a new job, we made a major move, and through it all (even my uncertainty) there's been a supernatural peace. I finally understand the "which surpasses all understanding" part of philippians 4:7
Sometimes we just don't "get it" but God does and he's with us always and his plan and ways are always good! In the few weeks since we moved, he's really been dealing with me on that. When the journey gets confusing or the road foggy & I just don't really understand what God is doing, he's still asking me to trust him.
When my husband first told me about this job, I was fairly certain that it wasn't the direction we were supposed to go, but the door opened so wide that there was no denying we were supposed to walk through it. It wasn't easy though! We spent 2 months only seeing hubby on the weekends and I may have fought a bit against the transition at first, but I still had peace in the direction we were heading. It looked different than the path that I believed God had us on, but even when my mind said, "but why now" or "why there?" There was the other part that said, "i'm just going to trust you anyway!" And that has been really liberating b/c the "what ifs" still pop up occassionally, but the "I will trust God" has been so much bigger this go round. How freeing it is when we actually let go & leave it in God's hands. Not just with words, but in our actions & mind's when you don't have the answers and what you see looks different than what you thought, but you make the conscious decision to trust God's plan over what you thought or wanted anyway & you just go with the flow. I can't say that i've always gotten that right, but i'm learning. It sounds crazy & sometimes it looks even crazier, but to experience this peace that goes beyond all understanding in the mist of all of the craziness is worth putting your trust in God's hands.

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