The Family

The Family

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Prayer Closet, Bedroom, Hallway...Pray Anyway!

John 10:10NIV

"10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Tonight as my husband and I watched "war room" I thought about the prayers that we've been praying lately & I must say that I loved that movie (basically any Christian movie that has been directed by the people of fireproof & courageous has my vote) especially because it dealt with real issues and dealing with them through prayer.
I can attest to trying to fight a battle in my own strength and losing big time, but once i began to pray; God turned that thing around! This move, our struggles, & the fact that my family & I are still standing is a testament to that fact.
As I have been praying for this country each new day brings another horrific crime, attack, something just plain not good if you watch the news; however, it has been so easy to see the enemy's deceit in the news articles and stories. I recently read a facebook status where the guy basically called on the body of Christ to open our eyes and see the real war that we fighting & the movie tonight made me see that again.
As I watched I thought about how I've attempted praying in my closet only to have a child or hubby interrupt, or the phone ring, or some distraction that takes me away from my "prayer closet" & I was so captivated by how organized the closets were in the much so that I almost missed the point 😊
I realized that even though my prayer life is happening outside of my closet, my prayers are growing stronger & more focused. And though I aspire to be that organized prayer warrior, God is still molding me into a warrior...a very unorganized one, but one nonetheless.
When i took my eyes and mind off of how organized in prayer the main characters were, i was able to see & appreciate the real meaning of the movie. Our battles seem like surface problems, but they are small battles in a very big war & as long as the enemy can distract us with them & have us fighting what wasn't meant for us to fight anyway then that's one less soldier in the war using our weapon of prayer & intercession against him.
Even if I never manage to get my closet as organized as they had it in the movie, even if the song "come on in the room" doesn't take on a literal meaning for me, or my closet space hinders me from praying in it...i will pray anyway! We are soldiers and this is our greatest weapon so, why not use it? No matter where we use it at.

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