The Family

The Family

Sunday, April 12, 2015

In the home stretch

I began writing this post early last week in the middle of my 37th week of this pregnancy. Although I had a pretty deep conclusion it began with me talking about how different this pregnancy has physically been from my other pregnancies.

I'd written over half of a page and lost it! Complete bummer. I stared at the blank screen for quite awhile mentally kicking my butt because I couldn't believe that I'd actually lost it!!! I sat for 2 days still with the memory of my words, but the lack of motivation to write them back down. Days passed and all I had was the picture that I had taken for the post of me and my baby girl and as I looked at us my heart began to change and so did my words.

I've been blessed (some would say lucky) to have good pregnancies and yes, with each new one there are new experiences, new things to worry about, and sometimes that new feeling like you've never done this thing before..... Especially if you wait 6 1/2 years between babies ;-) As I thought about my original post and how I wanted to talk about these new pains, my age, being in between ready & not ready to deliver, etc. I realized that sure I have a pain in my butt (literally) that I've never had before & sure I might feel anxious every now and then to meet this new pumpkin of mine, but I also cherish the kicks and flips that I won't get to experience once she's out.

Somewhere along the way I also had my baby sprinkle and again I felt more grateful than tired & achy (OK probably still achy)! So, here's my post. Every now and then I have an aha moment where in the midst of me thinking on a not so positive aspect of my life, God will reveal the positive in that same area. Like how sometimes I wish that my children (and sometimes even the hubster) weren't so loud, but then I'm reminded that at least I have the ability to hear them because someone somewhere is praying for that miracle. Our gratitude shouldn't just go toward the big blessings like a new home, car, or relationship but also to the things that we would otherwise complain about like that backache that comes from the miracle/blessing of experiencing pregnancy that someone somewhere is praying to experience. 

Ephesians 5:20 "Giving thanks always and for everything to God the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

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