The Family

The Family

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Homeschool, Private School, Ahhhhh!

Hebrews 10:36 "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised"

Decisions, decisions! Don't you just hate them? Alright, so not really, but I would be a much more sane person if I didn't have to make so many hard ones....mainly when I want to be selfish & then something forces me to see my own selfish ways! That's when i think to myself that sometimes being an adult is mushy apples....No, not the good apple sauce kind, but the rotten 'left in the cabinet too long' kind.

At the beginning of this pregnancy I was beyond positive that I was sending my older four to private school because we would have a new baby and I didn't see how I would get it all done!
I must admit that i made the decision mid horrible morning sickness and I'd also had a moment in the beginning where this felt like my first pregnancy and i'd forgotten that there was a time when I had four kids under age 5 and made it through, but nonetheless the picture in my head of homeschooling 4 w/ a baby looked pretty bad!!!
picture in my head....thanks planned parenthood!

I didn't even pray about it, it was more of a "thank you God for the opportunity, it's been a good run" type of thing. I was so sure of this decision that I scheduled a few tours, took care of the financial stuff, and started looking at uniforms. Oh, they were in private school come next fall!

I was so sure this whole pregnancy and then in this last trimester I've finally been forced to ask God about it because I wasn't sure anymore. There was this whole women's conference thing where I remembered my mission to my children. Then I met women with questions that made me reflect on why we began in the first place. All of this finally made me ask, Is this what God would have me to do? If I felt called to do it in the first place, does a new baby change that?

So, here I am looking at new curriculum and planning on changing our approach from eclectic to classical this summer...drastic, right? Just when i thought it was over....I am still in prayer about it, but I think that the decision for me has been made pretty clear.

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